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the retreat was supah dupah fun!..we just got back..and it is 12:30 pm now.

the moment we arrived in the location,all i wanna do was to goof around..make fun of my friends and my stupid classmates,i tried not to be naughty but i cant help it!..though i know where in the purgatory..oopps!..seminary i was a very peaceful place..the right place for soul searching.the first activity we did was to roam around in the woods barefooted..alone!we were ask to draw our life map..illustrate the good and bad moments in our lives..we had chosen different spots and i ended up sitting under a tree..after a long walk and cutting my feet..!i drew um..under the bad moments..were my heartaches(pfft..)my highschool graduation(it sucks!) and under good moments,i drew m cousin Ryan playing guitar while im singing..and then the times when im playing pool with ma friends..and stuff.after that,lunch time and then the second activity was..again to roam aroud but this time with a partner and he/she should be cant touch him/her..just tell them where to partner was my gayfriend Jayron.the goal was to find out if your partner is trustworthy or not!..but what we did was play for hot guys and blah!..but the best part was the last activity..we were kept in a room and seated in a circle.there was a cross and a candle in the middle.the deal was..give the cross to the person who really makes you happy or has done good things to you,,,and then give the candle to the person who had hurt you in the past.well..i didnt mean to cry,and didnt even intend to..but when it was my turn..i started crying before i even speak!..stupid me!i gave the cross to ma hommie Ahvic..she was there for me listening to my boring stories..always..yet she lives!..i have no one to give the candle so...

so it was fun..but there are not so fun stuff too..we stayed in a dormitory and i have the worst roommates!..there's this fat girl Jackie..who's really really loud..singing and talking nonsense!..she have her evil sisters too making noise and not letting evryone sleep! friend Ahvic and Mira was keeping their cool coz i told them not a warfreak,but they are..anyways..i like to say that by far they are the best pals i ever had and i would never forget them ever if i cross the country..i love them soo much!..

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i forgot to tell you about what we did last night.we went out in the woods,it was so dark then,we decided to invoke the spirits of the four elements..were witches you know,Jayron represents fire,Ahvic-earth,Mira-water and im the Air..actually i am truly an air-borne..we stand in circle,held our hands in the air..(if someone was watching they'll think were crazy!)we did some incantations..and then we felt shivers down to our spine..we thought the spell was working and were starting to receive our powers but nah...were just scaring ourselves!..but we really wished it had in the movie "The Craft".
all in was fun esp. at night,Jayron told me about what's going on in the guy's room.He said,he'd seen many naked guys and trying to make a move on him(eeeww!)..but he didnt let anything happen,afterall he was protected with a spell i cast on him.


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