Happy Birthday Lucas!

Oh my God! I have almost completely disappeared from the face of the blogging earth. But I have an excuse. Been quite busy, actually. School and stuff...But Im not gonna talk about those things. I'll just bore you with whats happening in school..actually today at health care class..just kidding!^^l;
Woohoo,,I decided to update today because,,today is Chad's birthday.Hahaha! I know its crazy..but you cant blame me,,he's just irresistable. Actually I wasnt aware that it's his birthday today. Just this Monday,I woke up and he was the first thing I thought,,considering I dreamt of a different guy,,ironic right?I was 100% sure that it wasnt him. Oh well..I guess Chad was sending me a sign that his birthday's coming..I havent thought of him for awhile now..because someone had stolen my attention..Julian..teehee..oopss! This post should be all about Chad.
Alrighty,,here's a video I got from youtube..


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